Reports Database
This section offers essential reports on sustainability and explores how clusters can help European SMEs and startups in the green transition. Find valuable insights and strategies to support effective green practices and drive innovation.

Cleantech Impact Accelerator
Accelerating the Impact of Cleantech Innovation: Recommendations for Future Programs
Over three years, the Cleantech Impact Accelerator (CIA) program supported over 60 startups in business development and network expansion. This document gathers insights on the barriers and opportunities startups face. These findings will aid future startups.

The World Economic Forum
Transitioning Industrial Clusters: 2024 Annual Report
This report covers the experiences of 20 industrial clusters in the World Economic Forum’s Transitioning Industrial Clusters initiative. Despite diverse challenges, these clusters have developed strategies to achieve net zero and maximize economic and employment potential.

European Cluster Collaboration Platform
Cluster Business Models Fit for Accelerating the Twin Transitions
Understanding and adapting cluster business models to support the twin transitions will enhance competitiveness and sustainability. This paper aims to guide discussions on the role of these models in implementing transition pathways.

Interreg Europe
Clusters Driving the Green and Digital Twin Transitions
This policy brief explores the importance of clusters for research and innovation. Clusters play an important role in industrial transformations as they support knowledge diffusion, knowledge spillovers, higher innovation and research activities, new business models, and can reconfigure industrial value chains.

Cluster Excellence Denmark
Clusters in the Circular Economy: Building Partnerships for Sustainable Transition of SMEs
This booklet demonstrates how clusters across Europe are pivotal in guiding SMEs toward circularity. The cases highlight clusters supporting SMEs in rethinking business models, accessing new knowledge, connecting to smart green venture capital, and entering new markets and customer bases.

Climate Friendly Materials Platform
Transforming Industrial Clusters to Implement the European Green Deal
This policy brief offers practical recommendations for the transformation and interconnection of clusters of the basic materials industry, as well as what national and EU policymakers could do to make sure that industrial clusters are enabled to make their important contribution to the European Green Deal.